Only 20 more weeks! I can't believe I am halfway, and yet I feel like I still have a long time until I get to hold my baby girl in my arms. At this point I haven't been the best at tracking things while being pregnant, or taking pictures, which I already regret.
So here I am going to take pictures every week. I am thinking Sundays will be the best since I get to dress up. Since I work at the Botanical Gardens I just wear t-shirts (Mostly Spencer's now) and my one pair of maternity jeans that I absolutely love. People have told me to just wear my normal jeans and either get a belly band, or rubber band, but maternity jeans are way more comfortable. As a side note, I tried to wear a normal pair of jeans, that I could fit into last week, but the button popped off right before I was headed out the door. So back to my maternity jeans I went. I was kinda sad and wanted to cry, but I laughed really hard instead and realized this is just all part of being pregnant. A belly that gets bigger every week.
So here is a super cute outfit, I LOVE THE PANTS THE MOST, that my mommy bought for me. I was so excited to wear them and I couldn't until today since I don't work Fridays and can dress up. YAY for being fashionable while pregnant and a fashionable mommy who knows whats in style! She sent me a wonderful Easter package of clothes that I desperately needed. I cannot wait to wear my super cute Easter dress next Sunday. I can't believe that Easter is next week! Time just flies by. Which means that I only have six more weeks of seminary. The kids have their spring break second week of April so that is going to be a much needed break. Still trying to get my feet under me after my partner was called into the Stake Presidency a few weeks ago. I am so grateful for having this calling, but it is probably one of the hardest callings you can have in the church.
Anyways, I feel the baby kick more and more. It makes me smile every time I feel her. Spencer has yet to feel it, but I am thinking it will be sometime in the next week or so. Usually she is more active during the day when we are apart, so I'm hoping this weekend will be a good time to feel her. Sometimes at work I just sit there for a while with my hand on my tummy, hoping no one walks by to see me with my hand in my pants since she kicks right on the waistline of them, and feel her kick a lot. Other times nothing, but we get to she her really well in our first sonogram on Monday. I am very excited for that.
Things I have to complain about being pregnant is a very short list. I have had an extremely easy and comfortable pregnancy, I haven't gotten morning sickness, just tired first trimester. I get more winded/tired easily, but still have more energy now then my first three months. The only bad thing that has really happened the whole time is I have been breaking out everywhere. This has been no fun and I wish I would go away before summer, crossing my fingers. The other more recent is I can tell that my hands and feet/ankles are starting to swell a bit. My heels are tighter and leave an indention all over my foot or cannot wear some of them at all, and not sure how much longer I can wear my wedding ring. Especially now as it starts to warm up. But those things are really nothing to complain about. I am so happy with everything and I am loving every day. Spencer has been so kind and sweet to me, really stepping up to help around the house and cook and clean. I am so grateful to have him in my life and to share this magical experience together.